Plasma elite skin tightening

For pricing, please see the Book Now link.

The treatment uses a new ‘plasma technology.’ The machine produces at its tip a plasma flash which evaporates on the skin, creating a superficial micro millimetre-sized spot which minimises the skin in the immediate vicinity. Further points are introduced to create a reduction grid in the desired area which will end up with small dry spots. The crusts take 5 to 7 days to fall off and can be covered with make-up. Subsequently, slight redness can be visible for 3 to 4 weeks.

The effect of this non-invasive alternative to surgery is improved skin elasticity and tissue-tightening, resulting in visibly tighter skin!


$50 price is redeemable on any service


  • $50 charge if cancellation is with less than 24 hours notice.

  • Full charge if cancellation is with less than 1 hour notice